Informed Sport

Rocket Fuel for Athletes from Savvy Touch is fully certified with Informed Sport.

Informed Sport is a global independent supplement testing and certification programme designed to test and provide certified supplements for elite athletes and drug-tested personnel. It is the only global certification programme that tests every single batch of a product before it’s released to market. When an athlete sees the Informed Sport quality mark, they can know it has been tested to the highest of standards. With Informed Sport, you can be confident your reputation is in safe hands.

Informed Ingredient was developed to minimise the risk of banned substance contamination with ingredients and raw materials intended for the sports nutrition and dietary supplement industry. Informed Ingredient allows ingredient manufacturers to communicate to their customers, the finished product brands, that their ingredient has been regularly tested for the presence of a wide range of substances prohibited in sport and is safer to include in their product.

LGC (the globally recognised testing laboratory behind Informed Sport) is a world-renowned sports doping control and research supplement testing lab, with over 55 years of experience of regulatory analysis. With over 400 published scientific papers and over 500 man-years of research into doping control, LGC is a supplement testing lab that is recognised as a global leader and trusted partner in the field of anti-doping and supplement analysis.

LGC has been testing supplements and ingredients on behalf of reputable manufacturers and suppliers for more than 15 years. During this time, tens of thousands of samples have been tested and a number of research studies have been conducted; such studies exploring the prevalence of prohibited substance contamination within supplement products.

To understand the risks which elite athletes face, LGC has conducted administration studies, which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. These studies have highlighted that consuming even microgram quantities of a prohibited substance (millionths of a gram) could give rise to a positive doping violation. LGC has also published white papers highlighting research on supplement contamination.

See our latest certification here.